tisdag, juni 16, 2009

The blog posts that weren't

Yesterday, I got awakened a little too early by my boss asking me if I could come in and work today. I was gonna write a blog post about it and some more stuff, but I noticed the tab with the unwritten post this morning when I got up after about three hours of sleep and named my new post "The blog post that wasn't", figuring I would write about the blog post my non-functioning brain forgot.

However, my lack of sleep led me to forget this one too, if only for about an hour. Thus a new title was born. That's just how fucked up I am today. I will try and get some sleep later, to reset my totally fucked up head to just plain old "fucked up", but first, I will wash the dishes and do some cleaning and shopping, taking advantage of the fact that my mind won't notice how boring those activies are due to being zonked. I'll probably end up being done at about three hours before the raid anyway, and not sleep at all before it (which is supposed to the plan, although I'm only leading a Naxx-10 I prefer to have my head screwed on the right way, raiding or not).

Having little sleep several nights in a row quickly lose it's appeal, unfortunately. I'll do the best of it and hopefully I'll be decently back to normal (as normal as I come) by the time work actually starts.

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